A sign of solidarity

IP Dynamics is now supporting Aktion Deutschland Hilft's “Emergency Aid Ukraine” by making a monthly donation. In doing so, the company is sending a clear signal of solidarity.
Since the beginning of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, IP Dynamics has made several donations to the “Emergency Aid Ukraine” of Aktion Deutschland Hilft. In view of the latest global political developments, such a commitment seems even more urgent. After the change of government in the US, Ukraine has come under severe pressure.
IP Dynamics would like to send a signal of solidarity in these times and will be making a monthly donation of €10,000 to “Nothilfe Ukraine” from March 2025. The donations will be used to support the numerous alliance organizations of Aktion Deutschland Hilft, which use their long-standing partnerships on the ground to provide emergency and disaster relief.
“With our donation, we want to help alleviate the humanitarian crisis facing the people in Ukraine,” said Christian Stölken, Managing Director of IP Dynamics GmbH. ”In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we sometimes forget how close the war actually is and the suffering it causes.”

Dr. Moritz Liebeknecht
IP Dynamics GmbH
Billstraße 103
D-20539 Hamburg