Become our trainee

Through individual development opportunities and promoting your strengths, we will optimally train you and prepare you for professional life.

How does our training work?

We place great value on individuality. That's why we look together to see where your strengths lie and build on them over the course of your training. Our experienced colleagues will actively support you in this process. Through regular feedback meetings, you will receive an overview of your achievements and agree on milestones with your trainer that you would like to achieve during your training. Together, we are creating the conditions for successful training!

You will be accompanied by a specialist trainer who is also your point of contact in the team. In addition, your manager and our HR department ensure that you have everything you need for a successful future.

Grafische Darstellung des Ablaufs einer Ausbildung bei IP DynamicsAusbildungsverlauf
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Find out what makes IP Dynamics so special for our colleagues.

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That's how much you earn with us

1st year of apprenticeship
2nd year of apprenticeship
3rd year of apprenticeship

That's on top of that

Covering the costs of your vocational school books
Exam preparation courses
Free public transport ticket

The application process

Online application

Simply apply via our job portal with a cover letter, curriculum vitae and (work) references/certificates.

Review of documents

We will review your application and give you feedback in any case.

Invitation to the assessment center

After a short preliminary discussion, you can show what you are capable of in our assessment center. You will then receive immediate feedback from us.

training contract

If you have convinced us, we will send you the contract after seven days at the latest.


What our trainees say

Junger Mann in schwarzem T-Shirt vor abstraktem Polygonhintergrund, Zitat auf Bild: "Du hast immer den perfekten Mix auf Theorie und Praxis."
“The training offers plenty of room for continuing education and development. ”
Foto von Benedict. Lächelt in die Kamera.


Training IT specialist for system integration

“I have the trust of my colleagues. ”


Training IT specialist for system integration

Foto von Patric. Lächelt in die Kamera.

What motivates our applicants

We do not have an official deadline for applications. As long as the job posting can be found online, we accept applications.

From day 1, we ensure that our trainees are able to settle in and integrate as a team in the best possible way. Through individual support and challenges, trainees are well prepared to continue to shape the future as an IPD member even after completing their training.

All applications are submitted via our online portal.

Jette Schiller

+49 40 5727 6719

Apply now!

Become our trainee and shape the future with us.