Our year 2023

Picturesque village in a rolling, snow-covered landscape with a glowing Christmas tree

An eventful year is coming to an end. IP Dynamics would like to thank all customers, partners and friends for the innovative projects, the successful cooperation and the time spent together.

Our year 2023

An eventful year is coming to an end. IP Dynamics would like to thank all customers, partners and friends for the innovative projects, the successful cooperation and the time spent together.

For a good cause

IP Dynamics is once again ushering in the Christmas season this year with the campaign “Donate instead of give! “one. Five organizations were selected by colleagues and received a Christmas donation of 5,000 euros each. The choice was made of five organizations that are involved in the social and ecological sectors and are committed to animal welfare:

Paulinchen e.V.

The association has been supporting families with children injured by fire for 30 years. In addition to advising and supporting those affected on a medical and emotional level, “Paulinchen” is committed to prevention and education with various projects.

To the news report

Förderverein Winter Emergency Program for Homeless People e.V.

To ensure that homeless people have a warm and safe place to sleep during the cold season, the City of Hamburg's winter emergency program provides accommodation from November 1 to March 31. To ensure that physical well-being is also taken care of, volunteers from the “Förderverein Winternotprogramm für Homeless e.V.” prepare dinner every day and offer an open ear to those in need.

To the news report

Support Association for Children with Cancer Tübingen e.V.

Around 2,000 children are diagnosed with cancer every year. The Friends Association supports affected families during this difficult time by providing psychological and financial help.

To the news report

Mission Earth e.V.

This association is committed to maintaining biodiversity and is active in various conservation projects. He also supports local environmental organizations and individual initiatives in their fight to preserve habitats.

To the news report

Aktion Deutschland Hilft

The Alliance of German Aid Organizations is sending aid to Ukraine and supporting local medical care.

To the news report

A look back at 2023

This year was once again packed with numerous projects, events, awards and much more. At the end of the year, we look back on some of the most important topics that concerned us in 2023:

Across Germany

Trade fairs and specialist conferences were once again a welcome opportunity for IP Dynamics to talk to customers and partners. At the conference”Dark processing & workflow support in insurance“as well as the”IT for Insurance Exhibition Congress“The colleagues presented the Dynamic Workload software solution to an interested specialist audience. On the”Hamburg Insurance Innovation Day“IP Dynamics presented a business case from the insurance industry.

At the annual DKM-Messe Numerous brokers from the insurance sector gathered in Dortmund under the motto “We are the industry”. IP Dynamics presented its in-house video consulting platform for insurance companies there. As part of”Handelsblatt Insurance Summit 2023“IP Dynamics got in touch with CEOs, top decision makers and insurance industry participants.

The ITCS In Hamburg, IP Dynamics offered the opportunity to have interesting discussions with young professionals and potential applicants. There are impressions from the event here.

Hard work pays off

Thanks to long-standing partner innovaphone, IP Dynamics was awarded for the fifth time with the”Star of Excellence“excellent. “We are pleased to have a strong partner at our side in innovaphone, with whom we can continue to implement projects together in the future and whose expertise we can rely on,” says Christian Stölken, CEO of IP Dynamics.

And the company also scored points as an employer. For the third time in a row, IP Dynamics was awarded the”Top Company“Award honored by kununu. The positive reviews from colleagues on the review portal are decisive for this.


Once again this year, IP Dynamics hosted two webinars to present the company's latest technologies and solutions. Leonhard Schmitt, consultant, explained in his lecture the benefits of automated distribution of the entire workload with Dynamic Workload. Nicolai Münzmay, Pre Sales, also presented how incoming contacts via the Contact Center with Microsoft Teams can be operated.

For a green future

For IP Dynamics, the topic of “sustainability” is an important component in successfully shaping the future of the company. For this reason, the company has analysed its CO2 footprint and accordingly measures taken to make savings. For example, the conversion of the entire vehicle fleet to e-mobility.

Open up new communication channels

When it comes to communication, IP Dynamics has broken new ground and has discovered the podcast medium for itself. In Digital Insurance Podcast Leonhard Schmitt, Consultant, and Moritz Liebeknecht, Head of Marketing & Communications, show the optimization potential of intelligent workload management in the insurance environment. In”ITCS Pizzatime Tech Podcast“Andreas Pols, project manager, and Dennis Quast, contact center consultant, explain how modern contact center technologies can be used to improve customer experiences.

Strengthen cohesion

There was also a lot to experience away from work. In spring, the first IPD event started in the form of a trek in Remscheid. Surrounded by nature, colleagues hiked along the Wupper river to the landmark Burg Castle.

It went on together in summer Serengeti Tour. In addition to survival training and observing free-roaming animals, the IPD safari team also took a speedboat ride.

Hamburg also hosted the annual MOPO team relay instead of. Some colleagues from IP Dynamics also mingled with around 10,000 runners and ran for the best time in two teams.

In autumn, it went again with the Bike along the Danube. The destination was the Schulerloch stalactite cave, which had spacious chambers and unique stalactite formations.

Thank you!

All these successes and highlights would not have been possible without strong customers, partners and friends. For this reason, IP Dynamics would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the trusting cooperation, the joint achievement of the goals and a successful year 2023. Merry Christmas and a pleasant turn of the year!

Foto von Dr. Moritz Liebeknecht.  Lächelt in die Kamera.
Presse Contact
feel free to contact me

Dr. Moritz Liebeknecht
IP Dynamics GmbH
Billstraße 103
D-20539 Hamburg