Winter in the warm


IP Dynamics donates 5,000 euros to the “Förderverein Winternotprogramm für Homeless e.V.” in Hamburg. While the city of Hamburg's winter emergency program offers a place to stay overnight, the Friends Association provides sufficient food and offers an open ear.

Around 2,000 people live on the streets in Hamburg. Every day, they have to think about how to get food and where they can find a place to sleep. To prevent these people from being exposed to cold and wet weather in winter, the city of Hamburg launched the winter emergency program in 1993.

With over 400 single and double beds, the winter emergency program offers around 700 homeless people the opportunity to get a warm and safe place to sleep during the cold seasons. Unlike other emergency shelters, which often only open at sub-zero temperatures, the accommodation provided by the municipal company “Fördern & Wohnen” is always available from November 1 to March 31. The two locations in Moorfleet and Hammerbrook offer single and double beds or multi-bed rooms, bathrooms and communal laundry rooms, and in some cases TVs. The latter in particular offers people the opportunity to participate in social life and find out about current developments. Hygiene products, coffee and tea are also available.

In addition, the winter emergency program offers free social counseling. Homeless people can talk to social workers to find a way out of homelessness.

The association “Winternotprogramm für Objeklose e.V.” was founded 16 years ago so that those in need receive food in addition to accommodation. The association consists exclusively of volunteers who prepare dinner for the homeless every day and with great commitment. Care is taken to ensure that people get a balanced and healthy diet as possible, as many of them suffer from health problems. Cultural origin, religion and preferences are also taken into account. For example, there are always vegetarian alternatives. The dedication with which the food is prepared is highly appreciated by those in need.

Some of the food is made available through food donations from the Hamburger Tafel. The association receives freshly prepared soups on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from companies and businesses in the district and on Tuesdays and Fridays from hotels and restaurants of the DEHOGA industry association. The remaining food is organized with the help of monetary and material donations.

In addition to preparing food, volunteers always listen and exchange ideas with the homeless. All requests regarding food or accommodation are recorded in a logbook and, if possible, implemented.

“Volunteer work is very enriching and instructive for many helpers,” says Jessica Jaugstetter, treasurer of the Friends Association. And that is noticeable. Some of the kitchen heroes have been working for the winter emergency program for many years and have established deep ties with people in need.

The stability offered to homeless people by the institution is very important. People's stress factor is reduced as basic needs are met for the time being. In addition, you get back some self-esteem and control over your life. This is the only way to work on long-term solutions to homelessness.

The fact that homeless people have very strong ties to the support association became particularly clear after the corona crisis. “During the pandemic, we sent our volunteers home for safety reasons and booked a caterer for the meal,” reports Katrin Wollberg, division manager at Fördern & Wohnen. “When our kitchen heroes came back after the pandemic, the enthusiasm was huge! ”

To support the association and its important commitment, IP Dynamics has provided 5,000 euros as part of its annual Christmas donation. If you would like to donate or volunteer yourself, you will find on the webpage further information about the winter emergency program.

Foto von Dr. Moritz Liebeknecht.  Lächelt in die Kamera.
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Dr. Moritz Liebeknecht
IP Dynamics GmbH
Billstraße 103
D-20539 Hamburg