Alte Leipziger

More quality customer service thanks to intelligent self-service solutions

Strengthening the self-service offering by introducing automatic link sending to end customers and business partners.




5.3 billion euros

“The solution gives our customers more flexibility”

Florian Klaiber

“Workplace of the future” team, ALH Group

The Challenge

Long waiting times for simple requests

Alte Leipziger Bauspar AG (ALB) a broad range of self-service options on its website. Customers get information about certain services, can download forms and process applications themselves. The only drawback: in the past, only a few customers made use of the service because they were simply unaware of it. Numerous callers have contacted the ALB service hotline to ask where they can find specific information or forms relating to home loan and savings, construction financing and investment products. The service staff then often laboriously spelled out the URLs to the corresponding offers on the website. Before customers could be helped, they sometimes had to spend some time on hold on the hotline. In turn, the employees often gave the same information over and over again instead of being able to use the time spent on advising customers. ALB was looking for a solution to offer end customers (B2C) and business partners (B2B) quick assistance and at the same time improve the quality of customer service.

The Solution

Automatic link dispatch ensures more quality in customer service

Together with IP Dynamics, ALB has implemented a solution that meets precisely these requirements. The automatic link dispatch via SMS is aimed at both end customers and business partners. As soon as the software recognizes that a customer is calling the service hotline via a mobile phone number, the option to send a link is offered. The customer can decide whether to accept or decline the offer. If they agree, they automatically receive a text message with a link to the corresponding ALB self-service offer and can clarify their request independently. If the customer rejects the link, they will be put through to an employee. However, the concerns of most customers who use the service can actually be answered conclusively. In these cases, it is then no longer necessary to consult a service employee. “Our customers are pleased that they receive quick assistance through the automatic link dispatch without being stuck on hold for a long time,” explains Florian Klaiber from the ALH Group‘s Workplace of the Future team. “The solution also gives customers more flexibility,” Klaiber continues. “They can decide for themselves when they want to make use of the self-service offer.” For the service hotline staff, the introduction of the automatic link dispatch was associated with a noticeable reduction in workload. The service has been well received, with the result that the call load was reduced by more than ten percent shortly after the solution was rolled out. This means that peak loads can also be absorbed.

Today, Alte Leipziger benefits from a wide range of advantages:
Direct help with customer concerns
Noticeable relief for employees
Reducing monotonous tasks
Focus on consulting activities
The Result

A step into the future

For the service employees, recurring, monotonous activities such as spelling out URLs are reduced. Instead, they gain time in which they can focus on advising customers with more complex concerns.By reducing waiting times, increasing flexibility for customers and focusing on comprehensive consultations, ALB is improving the quality of its Service. The automatic sending of links via SMS reaches a broad mass of customers who contact the ALB service hotline. This pragmatic solution has significantly increased awareness of the self-service offer. Callers are empowered to help themselves without having to endure long waiting times. This provides customers with greater flexibility and satisfaction. The solution enables ALB to handle a higher volume of customer inquiries in the same period of time, thereby increasing its efficiency.

“We worked together constructively and in a spirit of trust throughout the entire project,” says Florian Klaiber from the ALH Group, recalling the collaboration with IP Dynamics. “It was clear that everyone involved wanted to work together to develop a sensible solution and drive the issue forward quickly in the interests of ALH.” From ALB‘s point of view, the introduction of automatic link dispatch is an important step in the digitalization of customer service. Following successful testing, the solution is to be extended to other units of the ALH Group. It would also be conceivable to send deep links to the ALH apps. In addition, links could also be sent by email if the caller‘s email address is identified by customer data recognition via their telephone number. IP Dynamics advises ALH with the help of use cases that have already proven themselves with other customers.

Find out more details about this case in our detailed reference report

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