MünchenerHyp sets the course for the future
Modernization of communication platforms by switching to Microsoft infrastructure to improve internal communication.

What impressed us the most was the agility displayed by IP Dynamics in implementing the project.
Alexander Beetz
IT-Projektleiter von MünchenerHyp

The foundations were laid in 2017. In a joint workshop, Münchener Hypothekenbank eG (MünchenerHyp) developed a plan showing what the workplace of the future should look like. The main focus was on modernizing and improving the communications options within the company. Up until then, MünchenerHyp used the IBM Notes database system for email and calendar functionalities. IBM Sametime served as a unified communications client. During the aforesaid workshop, it was decided to switch from the IBM world to Microsoft’s product range. IT Project Manager Alexander Beetz says: “We concluded that Microsoft’s offering was simply more in line with our requirements – among other things, due to the seamless interplay between the various Office applications.” In addition, the workshop also considered replacing the existing telecommunications system Unify HiPath 4000 with a modern VoIP system at some time in the future.
The wishes and needs of the different departments were then determined in an internal needs analysis. While the initial focus was still on introducing Microsoft Outlook, wishes for further, more extensive functions soon emerged. These included convening conferences and ad hoc meetings, viewing the presence state and communicating through fixed chatrooms. To cover all these features, the decision was taken to switch to a Skype for Business infrastructure.
“We realized at an early stage that we were coming up against our technical limits in implementing the project and that we needed to call in an external service provider,” recalls Alexander Beetz. MünchenerHyp therefore contacted several providers. Ultimately, the choice fell on IP Dynamics, which not only came with a personal recommendation, but also tabled the most attractive offer. In addition, the IP Dynamics specialists were impressive in a face-to-face meeting.
The IP Dynamics specialists always responded promptly and dealt with open tickets and tasks rapidly and independently.
Alexander Beetz
IT-Projektleiter von MünchenerHyp

The wishes and needs of the different departments were then determined in an internal needs analysis. While the initial focus was still on introducing Microsoft Outlook, wishes for further, more extensive functions soon emerged. These included convening conferences and ad hoc meetings, viewing the presence state and communicating through fixed chatrooms. To cover all these features, the decision was taken to switch to a Skype for Business infrastructure. “We realized at an early stage that we were coming up against our technical limits in implementing the project and that we needed to call in an external service provider,” recalls Alexander Beetz. MünchenerHyp therefore contacted several providers. Ultimately, the choice fell on IP Dynamics, which not only came with a personal recommendation, but also tabled the most attractive offer. In addition, the IP Dynamics specialists were impressive in a face-to-face meeting.
In December 2018, the project team, comprising colleagues from MünchenerHyp and IP Dynamics, came together for a joint kickoff workshop in the Bavarian capital. In the wake of the meeting, tasks were allocated within the project team, the technical details were specified and the rollout steps were established. Ongoing coordination was largely carried out through a joint group in Microsoft Teams. “After the kickoff, we agreed to meet for just one further face-to-face workshop,” explains Alexander Besold, the manager at IP Dynamics responsible for the project. “Apart from that, we implemented the entire rollout on a remote basis at the request of MünchenerHyp.” To that end, the bank provided a notebook through which the colleagues at IP Dynamics were able to work remotely. “This approach had the beneficial side-effect that we were able to follow single working steps via the notebook at the remote workplace and thereby deepen our own knowledge,” says Alexander Beetz.
Initially, the technical backend together with the server infrastructure was provided. At the same time, the telephony infrastructure was updated in a parallel project and, among other things, an Oracle Session Border Controller was added. Following the subsequent rollout of Microsoft Outlook and Skype for Business for a pilot group of 40 users, the solution was finally made available to all users. In accordance with MünchenerHyp’s requirements, Skype for Business is currently used only internally, as the Unify system is still used as a telephony solution. Accordingly, employees use Skype for Business for Skype-to-Skype talks, conferences, chats and presence information. However, there is already
a test group in which Skype for Business is also being tested with external telephony connections. The unified communications service was connected to the new Session Border Controller to create the conditions for a later migration from Unify to Skype. “During the rollout, we never had the feeling that tasks were left undone,” praises Beetz. “The
IP Dynamics specialists always responded promptly and dealt with open tickets and tasks rapidly and independently.”

To prepare the technical infrastructure, the rollout was implemented slowly at the request of the bank and completed in April 2019. Today, some 670 users at eleven sites communicate with the new solution. The employees are happy to have the new communications options. For example, they use the Skype for Business chat function for productive arrangements. Instead of lengthy email correspondence, matters are agreed or handed over through fixed chat groups without further ado. IT project manager Alexander Beetz summarizes the situation: “In the chat room, you simply get to the point faster.” The option to hold conferences with Skype for Business is also frequently used – naturally including the useful desktop sharing function. In addition, Microsoft Outlook, by being embedded into the entire Office world, offers a welcome opportunity for seamless cooperation with colleagues.
The solution is distributed over two data centers. For example, the Skype for Business infrastructure was designed to be redundant and fail-safe. IP Dynamics is also responsible for maintaining and servicing the system. MünchenerHyp is completely satisfied with the performance of the competent service provider. Beetz sums up: “What impressed us the most was the agility displayed by IP Dynamics in implementing the project. In the project team, we had a flat hierarchy, a simple task management system and, above all, lines of communication that were always direct and transparent.”
Would you like to use our solutions in your company? Just contact us. We are looking forward to seeing you!