Design efficient and future-proof work processes

Laptop with workload control graphics on conference table

Heterogeneous system landscapes, which span various company departments, often ensure complex and efficient processing of concerns and tasks in the insurance industry. With the Dynamic Workload enterprise solution, the entire workload in the company is centralized in one system. Complexity can thus be reduced through standardized and highly automated processes. At the same time, opportunities are being created for future technologies, such as artificial intelligence.

In the insurance industry, various systems are used to meet the various requirements for tasks and concerns and to achieve strategic business goals. In addition to contact centers, which are intended to ensure fast and expert customer service, business process management (BPM) and CRM/ticket systems such as Salesforce, SAP and Zendesk are also used. All of these solutions usually run autonomously and do not interact with each other at all or only slightly.

Contact centers are used to be available to customers at any time and to be able to process customer concerns quickly. A wide variety of communication channels, such as telephone, e-mail, chat, WhatsApp and fax, are bundled here. However, the contact center solution often does not cover all communication channels. For example, there are often still analog mailboxes or individual Outlook mailboxes that receive inquiries and are not recorded by the system.

In addition, these channels are often viewed individually and worked on by separate teams. This results in so-called silo formation, which is associated with various disadvantages for employees and the company.

Among other things, there is an unequal workload of employees, as the various input channels have different volumes. For example, while telephones are glowing during peak hours and employees barely keep up with processing concerns, at other times they have capacity that could be used elsewhere.

In addition, tasks within the company are distributed using a “push” or “pull” principle, depending on the channel. As a result, employees who choose their tasks themselves (pull principle) may not necessarily process the highest prioritized tasks first. In the worst case scenario, any service level agreements may not be met. On the other hand, the “push” principle requires coordinators or managers to bundle tasks and manually assign them to employees. These recurring work steps involve a great deal of effort and involve a significant commitment of capacities.

Customers also frequently contact the same issue via various communication channels. For example, some customers write an e-mail, later a chat message and then call to inquire about their concerns in person again. The problem with this is that the formation of silos makes it difficult to bundle customer concerns across channels. On the one hand, this leads to multiple processing of a request by various employees, and on the other hand, customer satisfaction decreases, who have to explain their concerns anew over and over again.

Business process management systems (BPM) are also frequently used. While these systems are ideal for automating work processes, they generally neglect the inclusion of the “human factor.” For partially automated processes, the availability and skills of the employee are only insufficiently taken into account when handing over a task. This results in inefficient processing.

CRM and ticket systems, in turn, have a so-called worklist, which can be distributed to employees. However, these systems cannot process real-time media and cannot guarantee a service level during distribution.

Uniform monitoring & reporting across the areas is therefore not possible. Although individual areas can be monitored and evaluated via reporting, a holistic overview requires effort to prepare the data in such a way that comparability is possible. In addition, the systems can usually only display a limited number of tasks at the same time.

All of these systems serve different aspects of the company and are essential, but they lose efficiency due to their largely self-sufficient behavior.

Increasing productivity through optimization and automation of business processes

This is exactly where the Dynamic Workload solution comes in and offers a groundbreaking approach. The enterprise product suite combines the areas of “Contact Center”, “CRM/Ticket” and “Business Process Management” and establishes a single company-wide worklist in which all tasks are stored centrally, are qualified in real time and are then routed fully automatically for processing. The solution follows the “clean desk” approach. This provides companies and employees with all sorts of benefits.

All tasks throughout the company are recorded, processed and automatically distributed using skill-based routing. In addition, there is dynamic reprioritization, which ensures that all tasks are always processed at the right time. Using routing, employees are always presented with the task corresponding to their skills using a single push process. Various, configurable criteria of the employee, such as language skills, expertise or availability, are taken into account. Routing is always based on service levels. This optimization ensures a much faster and more efficient completion of tasks and concerns and at the same time ensures an even workload of all employees.

The formation of silos is broken up for all tasks involving distribution. Regardless of which channel the tasks are received — employees can address customer concerns in a bundled manner and track any previous communication. Duplicate processing is therefore excluded.

In addition, the use of artificial intelligence for synchronous and asynchronous communication channels is made possible. A voice dialog system is used for the synchronous channels. In the case of customer calls relating to a claim report, for example, the system automatically recognizes the relevant information, processes it and, if necessary, asks for missing information that is relevant to the report. The customer number, date of birth, etc. are also requested for identification and authentication. The damage report is then created. With asynchronous channels, it is possible to have an AI structure the information received and create a claim report. This relieves employees and leads to increased customer satisfaction, as certain concerns can be dealt with directly without waiting time.

By combining all channels in one solution, uniform real-time monitoring and reporting is now also possible. Based on a transparent overview, managers, supervisors and employees can see at any time which tasks are being distributed and are being processed. This newly acquired data provides a transparent overview of all business processes and provides insight into which employee is working on which task at what time.

The centralization of the “Contact Center”, “BPM” and “Ticket/CRM” areas as well as the rationalization and partial automation of work processes ensure that all tasks are completed “just in time”. In addition to effective processing and increased customer satisfaction, there are usually immediate productivity gains of 10 — 20% right after implementation.

Ready to optimize your business? Just contact us!

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Dr. Moritz Liebeknecht
IP Dynamics GmbH
Billstraße 103
D-20539 Hamburg